Marbles Play School
Business Genre
Short Business Description
Marbles offer progressive preschool programs in a creative, innovative environment, so each child may maximize their potential growth and development. We provide a loving and nurturing atmosphere, which promotes optimal physical, social, emotional and cognitive development for the whole child. We help build each child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. This is accomplished through quality teacher interaction, gentle guidance of age appropriate play and exploration of self selected activities and discovery learning.
Long Business Description

For each child our goal is to :—-

Establish a good foundation for reaching their individual potentials.

Build self-confidence and emotional security in a trusting environment, where they are treated with dignity.

Promote a good self-image, to develop new skills and to encourage independence.

Allow children to learn from each other and enjoy positive interaction with others. To exhibit self-control and to understand feelings and respect those of others.

Stimulate language development, to be aware of non-verbal and verbal interaction, and to enhance communication skills through talking, songs, stories, books, and games.

Provide new experiences and discoveries outside the home. To encourage them to use words to describe and understand their experiences and arrive at different possible solutions.

Provide them with multicultural experience so that they may learn more about the world around them.

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