An interview with Pallavi Katoch

Corporate Trainer | Executive & Life Coach | Master Practitioner NLP | Research Scholar | Educator

Company: Per4m – a Training and Counseling Company which undertakes Training, Coaching and Counseling of Corporate Professionals and students of Institutions and also the Faculty of Universities and Colleges.


Pallavi Katoch is a Master Trainer with 23 years of experience behind her. Being an enthusiast in the field of training – delivery and content development, she has influenced many across industries in India and overseas. She is a certified Master Trainer by Cambridge University, Certified Coach and is also an NLP Master Practitioner by AnchorNLP, India. Based on the Adult Learning Principles, she follows the scientific approach to training and is a Certified Professional Coach and NLP Master Practitioner and has been certified to Train-The-Trainer and Train Adults by Cambridge University. With a strong knowledge base and excellent communication skills, Pallavi has been successfully meeting the objectives of the sessions she has been conducting, thereby being an effective facilitator, coach, personal trainer and instructor.


Some excerpts from the interview:

Rajneesh: Pallavi, you attended an International Conference recently. Can you tell us more about the event?

Pallavi: ABRM (Academy of Business & Retail Management) conducted the 7th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) at The University of Oxford, UK, on 3rd & 4th July 2017. I was one among the invitees from the Asia Pacific region. It was an honor to have been chosen on the basis of my research paper which was accepted and appreciated by the University of Oxford, UK. I was called to present my paper which was an integral part of the conference proceeding. The schedule of the conference was

Day 1: The Conference was opened by Mr. P.R. Datta, Executive Chairman, ABRM. Presentations were given by key note speakers who are renowned and accomplished professors from the University of Pennsylvania, University of Kent in USA, University of Halifax in Canada, University of Oxford, etc. There was also a preview of Presentations by the delegates.

Day 2: Presentation by me for 30 Minutes followed by QA sessions of 10 Minutes


Rajneesh: In what way did this event help you?

Pallavi: Attending this conference had the following benefits:

  • Learn and acquire cutting edge international knowledge in various disciplines of management from internationally reputed experts.
  • Recognition of my work on an international platform as a participant or paper/poster presenter.
  • All accepted abstract/full papers were published in the conference proceedings both print and online version titled “The Business and Management Review”. (Print )ISSN-2047-2854  and (Online) ISSN 2051-8498
  • Potential identification of my future collaborative partners among international, vibrant and scholarly audience.


Rajneesh: Who will be beneficiaries for this program?

Pallavi: Since I mainly train Professionals and students, the knowledge I gained during this International Conference would benefit

  1. Any Professional who is looking at redefining his/her self-image & build better professional relationships with others.
  2. Students who are in the initial stage of their career & will be able to develop & build their personality to make wise decisions in choosing their career.


Rajneesh: What changes have you noticed since returning to India after the conference?

Pallavi: I have been getting a lot of emails and phone calls from entrepreneurs and academic professionals and universities, asking me to conduct training in the field of management so that many can benefit from it.


Rajneesh: What are the benefits of exposure to this kind of International event for corporate and students from our Country?

Pallavi: This kind of presentation & further training will help and benefit our people to be more self-dependent. It will also help individuals to take responsibility of their own actions, so that they are more confident & balanced on making critical decisions in their life. This change is required to progress and be empowered.


Rajneesh: What areas of training do you focus on at your training sessions?

Pallavi: I emphasize on

  • Lead To Impact – Leadership for top management and senior management.
  • The Perfect Presentation – Present To Impact and Influence
  • The Strategic Leader – Strategies to expand and diversify business
  • Adapt To Change – Change Management.
  • Stepping Up To Management – Gearing to manage.
  • Advanced Communication – To Persuade and Influence.
  • Decision Making and Problem Solving – PDSA Module.